
Greater Western Water, a newly formed organisation from the merger of City West Water and Western Water, needed to unify three legacy websites.

I led the UX research and design activities to bring these websites together, ensuring a seamless user experience across the board.

  • Website redevelopment
  • Website information architecture

Greater Western Water

Project type


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Identifying the problem

Initially, the organisation sought external advice for a recommended website information architecture. As I became involved in the project as the Senior User Experience Designer, I sensed that while it would suit three primary user types, it might create a poor navigation experience for a fourth user type.

To confirm my hunch, I conducted a tree testing exercise with 80 customers on the recommended information architecture. The results were clear:

  • Residential customers, plumbers, and land developers navigated the site with ease.
  • Business customers, however, faced significant difficulties, with fail rates ranging from 48% to 96% on certain tasks.
Treejack results
Treejack testing results

Further Research and Development

I proceeded with a detailed competitor analysis and multiple card sorting activities.

After multiple iterations, I developed an alternative information architecture.

Another round of tree testing with 80 customers showed that:

  • The alternative information architecture significantly improved the navigation experience for business customers.
  • There was no negative impact on the experience for the other user types.
Treejack testing results
Treejack testing results

The outcome

I presented both the external agency’s recommendation and my alternative information architecture to the management team.

Using comprehensive data and user insights, I told a story of the work undertaken and made a compelling case for adopting the alternative structure.

The management team strongly supported the research and rationale, leading to the adoption of the alternative information architecture for the future website.